Wednesday, July 22, 2009

GT Day 5 - Day 6 @ Delhi

As the boys were heading for the Golden Temple, we chose to stay in Delhi. After lacking sleeps for few days, taking a short rest in Delhi was a right choice ^_^ We slept till 12pm and then looked for nice food~ btw the temperature in Delhi was EXTREMELY HOT, the wind was similar to the hair dryer!! We sweated sooooooooo much once away from a non-AC room!! We tried to find some nice food, however near Main Bazaar, all restaurnt didn't have AC /no cold drinks -_-!!! so, we took a rickshaw to Connaught Place - a very popular place in Delhi, just like a shopping district. Yeah, we found a subway!!!!! and we shopped around there i bought the novel of "PS I Lov You" for Rs 200. I wanted to see this film before, but you was very hard to find someone to watch this kind of film with me =_= so.... maybe a novel is better (till now I only finished 9 Chapters -_-)

As it was so hot...we entered a Mcdonald :P for drinks .........and then we went to buy tickets for movies. (BTW, i have watched Angels and Demons, The Terminator, The Bolt in India). Yea, we watched the terminator @ PVR Palace

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

GT Day 4 - Delhi to Agra to Delhi

25th June 2009 – Delhi to Agra to Delhi (rental car trip)
We woke up so early again, as the car trip started at 5am, we needed to be ready at 4:50a.m. however, when I knocked the door of the boys room….no one replied…so I pressed the bell….once…twice…Xavier opened the door with a sleepy face….oh they were still sleeping….. haha

Our trip was started at around 05:15…..Yeah AGRA~~ TAJ MAHAL~~ the beautiful love story of India……..

The driver drove us to a restaurant, which seemed to cheat tourist, a plate of omelet = Rs 1xx =_=!! Crazy…. Even we were already sitting but we decided to leave, there is no point to stay here. Once they saw we were leaving they asked me what happened? And they could offer us 25% discount =_=!! Really a “Black Shop”….

Lee told the driver not to bring us to such expensive restaurant again, and then the driver drove us o a nearby LOCAL RESTAURANT. Local = local standard of hygiene. Hahaha…> 100 flies…..-_- anyway la, I ordered Chai and sandwich…. The worst sandwich I had in India…and it costs me Rs 35 ….

never mind la, there is no second chance for me to return this shop. Later I used my limited Hindi + Gujarati to chat with the restaurant owner (actually it wasn’t a restaurant :P) he was so happy and kept shaking hands with me. He asked me how’s the food, I said I liked the Chai so much but the sandwich was too expensive for me….he replied “Oh…..with a sad face” I replied him “nevermind~ you happy I happy + a smile” he shaked my hand again….. Be frank, I like Indians as they are really hospice and most of them are very kind. Cheating ~ Indians is always connected…… but for me, I have a silly thought “if you want other to treat you nice, you should be the one to do it first”, I know this thought is somehow risky, and somehow too ideal but for me, it really can help me to break the ice among people from HK, Indian and the interns…..

Continue the trip….
We arrived the Fatehpur Sikri, an very old palace, an old man approached us and asked us whether we need a tour guide or not. Lee rejected and also spencer, even the old man looked friendly and helpful, he said I can show you around I know this place very much, I can tell you everything, just Rs 100. But Lee and Spencer insisted, so we walked freely by ourselves.
Actually I dun mind to pay, only Rs100 (~ HK2x), and that man was really old but he still had to work under such CRAZY heat. Therefore, I chatted with the old man and told him we just want to take some nice photos and thank for his kindness, and again used my limited hindi + gujarati to chat with him. He was happy ^_^ he worked inside this large palace (not much tourists) I think he should be quite lonely, communication is really amazing, it can make people happy like heaven also and hurt like hell. I dun think I could make other “happy like heaven” but at least I could try to do that ^_^.
Of course it was extremely hot, and I sweated sooooooooooo much.
Inside Fatehpur Sikri, I even played with the local kids =_=, and outside the fatehpur sikri, I chatted with the street kids, and because of it I met a really smart 11-yesr-old boy Kassim!!! He is so smart and really nice!!!! We chatted for half an hour and it was so enjoyable~~~~ it seemed that I wasn’t visiting much -_-, But I do have fun and the main point is I enjoyed it~ so ^_^ no problem la!
Then we had lunch @ Mcdonald, the first Mcdondon I had in India!!!!! I was still trying to be a vegetarian(try only), so I order the McVeggie (cheese + deep fried aloo cake- potato), it was quite nice!! ^_^ ** of course there is no beef in Indian’s Mc and some of the them have no ice as well **
Continue…To Taj Mahal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As from the car parking to the entrance is a bit far (if walk), so we took the horse-cart (hahaha I tried one more type of transportation la) ^_^ Rs 750 admission fee for Taj Mahal (while local only Rs 30!!!!!), I finally arrived there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It was so beautiful!!!! The architecture is amazing, the 4 towers around of the main building are all 12’ degree lean outwards from the main building and so in case of earthquake it won’t harm to the main building (where Mahal sleeps), the Taj Mahal was started building in 1631 took about 20 years to finish. Love!?
As usual, there were men tried to take photo of me, some of them ask and some of them just take without asking. Actually I am an Asian is already not so “Obvious”……anyway la~ this is also a part of my journey, I will treasure it as well :P
And then the driver drove us to the Agra fort and then on the way back to Delhi….

Monday, July 13, 2009

GT Day 3

24th June 2009 – Delhi (Indian Gate and Red Fort and Main Bazaar)
Back to English channel ;p
We woke up at the early morning, as the bus departed at 6am,…..
I was surprised that they offered us a bottle of cold water when we onboard, so nice ^_^, but if I knew it beforehand I shouldn’t bought the cold marinda (lime flavour) -_-! This non AC bus wasn’t that bad, yes it was bumpy, yes it was dusty, yes it was hot, but I could still sleep well ^_^
There was a stop during the journey, I got off and found sth nice to eat and drink :P, I saw a can of ice tea (lipton!!) seemed very nice (main point it was shilled!) but it was Rs 75 (normal price of drink ~ Rs 1x ~Rs 2x) too expensive la… I gave up >_< and continued to search for nice food and drink……I FOUND SOME REALLY NICE ICECREAM! Manufactured by Cream Bell – Butter Scotch @@ it costs me Rs 20 but It was AMAZING!
Journey continued….and we arrive delhi at around 12 noon……we met Lee – another travelmate from Singapore.
DELHI is CRAZILY hot!!!! Even standing under shade, the sweats never stops!!! We WALKED to the Indian Gate and it nearly killed me, too shiny and too hot….>_< it was so happy that our travelmates were considerate, Spencer, Xavier and Lee asked us to stay under the tree (really much cooler) and they looked for the road and bought us drinks ^_^
Then, we went to Main Bazaar – one of the busiest markets in Delhi. And we chose a hotel there. This hotel wasn’t too expensive and they provide Internet service (Rs 10 per hour) and room service. As I was exhausted, I ordered a bottle of cold Pepsi :P hahaha!! Enjoyed it in the AC room ^_^ HAHAHA!
After a short rest, we had our brunch at a, I ordered naan and lassi as usual. They are cheap but taste really good~!
Finished meal, we took a rickshaw to Red Fort – built in 1639. but we didn’t enter it and only took photos around it. the temperature at that time was >45’C!!! we were all tired and exhausted. So it’s time for cold drinks ( actually we kept buying water during the whole journey..) Xavier and Lee tried the mixed fruit juice (pink in colour) but it was so nice!!
As spencer wanted to meet a friend at Connaught Place, however girls were too tired…so they brought us back to the hotel first. We took the metro~~~the metro is Delhi is really similar to HK’s, fast+clean+safe!!!! But, there was a thing that is totally different is that all passengers need to pass through the security check before getting on the train, just like passing through the custom!!!! 2 stations =Rs 6, I was really satisfied with it.
So after that, boys left and alexia was sick so she slept after bathing. Moon, Polly and I went to the Main Bazaar to shop~~~~~ Again, everyone kept asking us “Japan?? Korean?? South Korean??” if they received no response from us they would continue with more country names “China?? Malaysia?? Taiwan??”
Anyway~ we enjoyed the shopping there, and met lots of “friends”….-_-hahaha…
The next day, we went to Agra…

GT Day 2

23rd June 2009 – Jaipur 一天行
落車之後,我O地O係個bus station,xavier 同 spencer 去問下一程車o既行情,我o地4個女仔就去買o野飲,cold drink 真係一個好緊要o既部分~!! 之後,男孩們返o黎,買o左去 delhi o既巴士飛,Rs300,6個鐘都係non ac,不過心諗都應該ok ge~
之後就去搵地方落腳,spencer 有本lonely planet o係手都真係唔錯,我suggest 打打電話去問問room rate rather than walk-in。spencer同xavier 就開始打電話,之後我o地就有個 ref price RS~350 to 450 per person,so 就起行去。
沿路都好多酒店 / hostel,我又提議去問問,問o下都冇壞丫,唔o岩咪走lor~ 我o地入o左一間門面都唔錯o既,佢話 Rs 290/person,!!?? 係咪真ga!!!! 之後就去check 埋room! 都真係ok wor~~ 就落返reception 打算俾錢啦~ 誰不知,佢坐地起價,話最平都要Rs 650!!! 我睬佢都傻,最唔鐘意d人咁做生意!! 走人!!!!
再去一間,又bargain 又睇房,結果 Rs 200/person !!!!!!! ^_^ 不過就得一間房,咁都好丫,大家可以傾o下計,plan o下個trip! ^_^
安頓好,洗洗面,刷刷牙,起行 (by rickshaw) 去個市中心,jaipur 都真係幾靚 (India default 係dirty,幾靚都好,污糟係少不了的) ‧pink city – 睇書話係因為唔知邊年,jaipur 要迎接 prince charles,就特意將成個city painted into pink! Jaipur 仲有好多 monkey,係好多! 馬騮山咁,佢o地多數都o係balcony,冷氣機頂上, 有大有細,一d都唔怕人的。
我o地去o左 city palace – 一個建於1728年的宮殿,雖然對d建築冇咩研究,不過都真係好宏偉,入面仲有其他o既展覽館 (no photo),行完~ 我o地仲見到有人 “吹蛇”, =_= 我都唔知o個d叫咩,係有個人吹喇叭跟住有條飯鏟頭一路郁….then我o地路過個 observatory (因為搵唔到個門口上去 -_-),再之後去o左hawa mahal (wind palace),影相~~ 周圍咁影~~~hawa mahal 之所以叫 wind palace 係因為佢有成 953 個小窗,d 窗係for d妃繽去窺看宮外o既世界……d 景點好靚,不過一樣係污污糟糟,同埋去到邊都有人問我係咪 japan? Korean? 好搞笑,佢o地見我唔應的話仲會加多句 konnichiwa …haha!
是晚,我o地去o左間睇落好似係chain o既 restaurant 食,個感覺係好似 mcdonald + pizza hut + coffee shop 咁,佢有hamburger, 有ice-cream, 有pizza, 仲有desserts….我叫o左個 half long o既toast~~~勁好味呀!!! 之後我問個manager 有咩dessert好味~ 請佢 recommend我~~ 佢介紹個chocolate fudge sundae,仲話如果我覺得唔好味就唔收我錢! Haha見佢咁nice 就聽佢話叫o左個好貴o既 desserts (Rs 94 其實計返HKD 都係$1X)又係勁好味~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ^_^ HAHAHA~ 唔錯~~~

夜晚就返酒店,玩o下傾o下~~~~ 就訓lu! As 之後我o地就要起程去 delhi……

Golden Triangle Day 1

由於我o地個project 仲未開始,所以我o地就去o左travel,路線係人稱 golden triangle(印度金三角) o既 jaipur – delhi – agra。呢3個地方相距差唔多,係好多旅客都會去o既熱點,每個地方都各有特色~~~ 事不宜遲~~~let’s go!

22nd June 2009 afternoon - 起程去 Jaipur
O係呢一日,我o地一行6個人 (Spencer, Xavier, Moon, Polly, Alexia, me) 就起程去Jaipur – 一個被稱為粉紅之城o既city。我o地每個人用o左 Rs 500 (6 repees -> 1 hkd) for 一架sleeper bus (non ac),如是這,我o地就o係架冇冷氣 + 勁多塵o既所謂巴士度過o左16個鐘!! (ps India o既氣溫 ~40’C)
我o地個位/床(我同 alexia share) 有張墊,係一張連我睇到都唔想掂落去o既一張勁嘔心o既mat, 不過我竟然仲訓得著=_= wakakkakakak! 我用個背囊做pillow,自己個bag 就扣住o係個handrail,雖然自己都好醒訓,不過安全d好~~~
架車係Non ac = 冇冷氣,熱到想死,不過耐唔耐都有d風ga~~~ o係架車,睇日落~ 我其實都已經覺得值回票價!!!! 我當然就不停咁影相啦~~~O係巴士睇日落,睇到佢真係落晒,好靚呀~! 我睇睇o下仲睇到訓著埋 -_-
訓醒,入黑lu! 身處一個唔知咩o既地方,黑mama,望o下個街,望o下車上o既人….冇耐又訓著。 =_=
醒o下訓o下,我o係車都訓o左好耐, actually 由 baroda開始,沿途都有stop,一路都有人上車,當然印度人都係眼金金咁望住我o地,其實我覺得佢係係好奇 > 邪惡。我記得同車有個印度人勁大鼻寒,勁到我sure成車都聽到,仲有,as 呢架係長途車,d 人都會o係d中途站解決解決,so 每次架車一停,都會有陣陣”異味”。
又一個中途站,由於好怕佢o地d local toilet (esp. stop) dirty,我決定極速咁搵個草叢………..:p上返車,又訓…….我之前幾日都唔夠訓~ 一次訓返夠~!!!
日出,可能我習慣o左日日同 uncle去morning walk,我5:xx就醒o左,o係巴士睇埋個無敵日出!!! Rs500 真係平到笑!!! 我當然又影o左好多相啦~! 架車係會經過好多村落,5:xx 好多人都起o左身喇,我見到好多temple仔,仲有好多牛、羊,豬都見到幾隻,camel都有,狗就當然周圍都有啦~~!
Overall 雖然係就係好污糟,不過o係程車我係開心+ 享受多過唔鐘意~! ^_^

18th to 22nd June @ India

18th June – 22nd June (morning)

During these 5 days, I was staying at my buddy – Sid’s home. He is a 20-year-old boy, his parents were really nice to me and they treated me as their daughter, I called them uncle and auntie.

Arrived at Baroda, a small domestic airport. As the flight was delayed and after collecting the baggage, it was already 07:30 (we told AIESEC BARODA we were arriving at 06:40). The first step out of the airport, the temperature is acceptable~~ and when I saw looking for any signs for picking us up, 3 young Indian guys said “AIESEC??” HAHA we found the AIESECers easily!!!! Sidharth, Raj, Dharmesh and Hardik. They drove bikes!! And Polly was at the back of Sid!~~ Moon and I took the rikshaw with all the luggage and to Sid’s home. (Sid is my buddy there). On the road, I see there were many cows, goats, dogs!! And there are also some well known brands – HSBC, Citibanks, Ads of Pepsi, Samsung………..the traffic as expected, which was really unorganized, horning can be heard every second and of course there are no traffic lights. Everything was new to me!!!!!!!!!!

At Sid’s home, uncle and auntie welcome us. Sid’s home was in a middle class (a little bit higher) family. Uncle is a seaman and auntie is a traditional Indian housewife. The master room is air-conditioned!! And uncle and auntie allowed us to take some sleep and even bath in their room! So nice and friendly. Although we were so tired, we were a bit shy to sleep on their bed after knowing them for just few minutes :P Instead we brushed the teeth and washed the face… Distilled mineral water is available at sid’s home, and I dun have to worry too much abt the water quality :P

I asked Sid that I needed to exchange money to repees, so he took me outside with his bike!! (motorcycle) I carried Moon and Polly’s money and exchanged for the Rupees, and they stayed with auntie and uncle. Sitting at the back of the bike IN INDIA is really exciting!!!!!!! It is true that Indian people are VERY curious for us – as the lighter skins, they looked at me all the times, but Baroda is not like Mumbai / New Delhi, he people here are less ”cunning”, and they are not being bad, they are just being curious. 1USD= 47.3 rupees so 1 HKD ~ 6 rupees

At Sid’s home, we had some chats with auntie and uncle and auntie worried that we were hungry, and made some snacks to us. As they are hindu, and thus the whole family doesn’t eat meat. Auntie prepared some snacks for us, sth like potato chips and “童星點心麵” :p “Papad Pauva”, and auntie prepared some green mango juice (homemade) for us!!! SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO delicious!!!!!!!!!

Later, we went to the AIESEC office and met some of the Indian AIESECers, I met Hamza – the Indian boy that I contacted for 2 months. And also met Ja Red and Stuti, we visited the AIESEC office and I got the internet access there!! And I got my mobile sim card!! Hahaha +91 9662799061 :P ! after 1hr stay at AIESEC office, we were heading home, and had lunch. ^_^.Auntie taught us to make Naan, Roti

After lunch we had some rests, in the master room @_@ uncle and auntie are really kind!!! (Proved that Indians do sleep in the afternoon).ZzzzZzzzZzZzZZzz

After some sleeps, Sid’s fd – Setu and Piyush came to take us out for roaming!~~~~ we went to the bridge underneath with a river to enjoy the beautiful sunset ^_^ It was so happy that I could enjoy the beautiful sunset in India on my birthday ^_^. Setu and Piyush are Sid’s childhood fds and they are also very nice ^_^. The bridge is famous for dating!?!? And ppl are as usual, staring at us…..

After roaming, we were home again. Another intern from Germany – Linda came. We had some chats and I called Ray. Moon told uncle that it is my birthday and I had a small, instant, unforgettable birthday celebration@_@ candle + chocolate from fridge! And I was really impressed!!! Sid’s gave me a little duck ^^ for the birthday gift.

We went to an Indian restaurant for dinner, auntie wanted to cook us dinner but maybe next time. We met Hardik (strong Indian boy) and Katrina from Ukraine (Barbie girl) at the restaurant and we had nice food, roti, lassi, and the “papad”. After that, we went home again…75 rupees ~ HK$ 12.5……rikshaw…..home….~30 rupees. Linda and went to the party and Polly, moon and I were home….

At home, auntie and uncle are waiting us and uncle said to Sid that it is unfair to us. After that bath, shower….dirty clothes to clean (by servant), uncle and Sid slept in the sitting room and 4 girls and auntie slept in the AIR-CONDITIONED room!!!!

This is the end of day 1…..

19th – 20th – 21st – 22nd
actually I have typed the full version of my diary, but maybe too detailed (boring) :P hahaha so~~ I write the summary then :P
During these 4 days 3 nights (we left baroda on the 22nd evening), we were still staying at Sid’s home, and every morning I went for morning walk (woke up at 5:30am) with uncle. As I really want to know more about India, although waking up at the early morning was a bit hard, I still willing to do it :P

Uncle drove me around the neighborhood and told me about the city, he brought me to parks where people do yoga, there were many kinds of yoga, some of them were just laying on grass (no movement!!), some of them hold the “thump-up” at their foreheads, some of them were “Laughing Club”, saying HEE HAA HEE HAA with some simple actions, some of them were stretching and some of them were only mediating. It was really cool to see these things!! I was glad that I asked uncle and joined his morning walk!!!

Because of the morning walk, I was able to see the mayor house (passed by), the different classes of school (private/gov), to see the morning worship of Hindu, the morning street hawker of milk, ………………..more and more…..the morning life of Indians!

Morning walk is really relaxing, the temperature is not cool, some mild wind~~~ The most attractive thing is that I can see the sunrise!!!! ^_^ REALLY ENJOYABLE!!

Everyday after morning walk (~7am), uncle makes Chai for me!! Chai = Tea = Indian milk tea! The taste of Chai made by uncle is 90% similar to HK’s milk tea!! Holding the cup of Chai, sitting at the balcony and watching the sunrise is the “routine” for uncle and me during those 4 mornings.

There were maximum 8 interns staying at their home, including Linda – Germany, Fabian – Austria, Ines – Spain, Marion – France, Kateryna – Ukraine, Moon, Polly and I – HK.

They usually wake up at 9:XX. So before they wake up, uncle and I go to a nearby supermarket – MORE, to buy some bread and juice for their breakfast. Therefore, during the morning time, I have plenty of time to chat with uncle, and that’s why uncle treats me like his daughter.

About auntie, as mentioned, she is a traditional Indian housewife, who stays at home and cooks for the family. Cooking! Of course I definitely not miss the chance to learn ^_^ Auntie taught me how to make Chapati, Naan, Indian sandwich, lassi, green mango juice, Idli, and some more ^_^!!! The food was really tasty!!!!

During the spare time, I helped auntie to prepare for the meal, just cleaning, cutting and stir-frying, very simple. Although it was so easy, it could see auntie was happy about it. Being more familiar with auntie, she told me she was pregnant and soon to labour but the baby dead……..8 months…..she said everyone in the family told her that “you should have a more daughter” and maybe that’s the reason that uncle and auntie treat me like her daughter….If I can make them happier, there is no reason not to do that.

About travelling in these days, Sid brought us to a park with a zoo, the hygiene level was REALLY poor!! The birds were REALLY smelly!! The first thing came into my mind was H5N1=_=!!well, the weather was veryveryvery hot!! Made me feel dizzy@@

And one day, we went the ahmedabad (2 hrs journey from Baroda) to visit the Akshar Dham (recommended by Vincent before), the whole “park” was quite big and nice,

Another day, we went to INOX – the most famous shopping mall in baroda!! There is McDonald, Subways, cinema and many other shops~! We watched a movie (angels and demons), I watched it before when I was in HK….the “intermission“ during the movie was really wield.

One night, we went to a Chinese Restaurant- CHUNG FAA. As expected the food wasn’t Chinese, I am sure my cooking was much better!!
Another night, we went to Pizza Inn, of course to have pizza:P YUM YUM YUM
Another night, we went to a ALL YOU CAN EAT restaurant…and one night went to NEW ALKA RESTAURANT.

EAT EAT EAT~ the food is really nice in INDIA~~


Friday, June 19, 2009

Life in India Day 1

Day 1 - 17th & 18th June 2009 (leaving HK + arriving Mumbai)

Thanks Hover and Terry to farewell me at the airport~ and thx the "gift" -_- you gave to me -_- hahaha!! the flight took off at 18:05... and we were at airport at 11:00~ had long chat and fun time!!!


my seat number is 11A (why special!?) because i have to learn how to open the "emergency slide"..hahah!!!

AIR INDIA was not a comfortable flight...and children were running around...and no one would stop them >_<...didn't sleep well during the flight >_< i didn't sleep the night beforehead...I was so tired....

We arrived at Mumbai Airport at 00:XX, the next flight was at 05:50 so we have plenty of time to hea……When passing through the gates, customs, the signs were not clear enough, little bit confusing…. But, the staff were friendly, one of them told me to take the free shuttle bus for checking in of the next flight, and reminded e not to pay to anyone! One of them guided me to take the lauggage, and also guided me to fill the declaration form of swine flu. ^_^ people there were really helpful!

Waiting for the next flight -> Baroda....

I met Vincent - an Indian man who has worked in China and HK for 14 years. During the waiting of the flight (he was going the Ahmedabad in Gujarat), we chat a lot, he gave me his name card and I can now get discount from his Indian restaurant at LKF :P haha! also he gave me his contact in case i need help :P

At around 05:50, we got on to the flight - was really good!!!!!! Touch screen personal TV, with songs, games (bejewled!!- I played once and now the highest record is my name!! HAHA), movie, cartoons (simpsons). Nice food and drinks, and gave bottled water to passengers. The level of jetairways is much much higher than Air India!!!!!!!!!!! 40mins flight was not enough!!!!!!!!!! :P:P

~1 hr...we arrived Baroda...the city I am going to stay for 2 months.....

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

10 hours to go!!!!

Had a nice dinner with fds~ to celebrate my birthday + farewell~ ^_^

can't imagine that inside in industrial building, there is a SO GOOD Italian restaurant!!!!!
g gallery~!

Food was unexpectedly good and well-presented!

<10 hours to leave.....
am i ready!?
i think i am!!

lots to do before leaving....

uploading photo to facebook
fine-tuning the powerpoint for present Hong Kong
copying "my favorite" to eeepc
formatting all SD card
writing letter to my beloved family ^_^

to reserve more time for writing letter~! i stop here ^_^!!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Supportive letters are accepted by Consulate!!!

which means~~ I can have my visa next Monday ^_^!!!

no need to worry la~!!!

There will be 31 EPs(Exchange participants) in Project one world...(the project that I am going to be involved)
People are from all around the world...
including Hong Kong :P of course~~~~
China, Hungary, Ukraine, Poland, Egypt, Netherlands, UK, USA, Malta, Taiwan, Kenya, Poland!!!

I am sure that it would be fun and can really widen my horizons!!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Visa is STILL in progess

I am leaving next Wednesday....but now....I still haven't got the visa.....>_<> 1 week to communicate for getting the invitation letter from Gujarat Public School....and now...I got a template...

The Director - Abhilasha, said she will send me the complete one by tomorrow morning....
I hope I could get it...NONO...I need to have it!!!!!!! please~!!!
(with 2.5 hr time difference....and the Consulate is CLOSED at 12:00 noon) >_<>__<